We need to be flexible with our days and that which we attempt to teach. When you consider that one of the weapons in the syllabus is a 6ft staff (bo), space is very important. We tried using the bo at The ICCA but there was always the concern of someone poking one through one of the glass windows and as the membership has been growing a move was inevitable.
As of 5th September 2016 we will train solely at Bulwell Academy at the following times:
Mondays & Thursdays
7 - 8pm under 16s.
8 - 9pm adults.
9:30 - 10:30am Under 16s.
10:30 - 11:30am Adults.
We have also now split the classes up into two sections: Under 16s and Adults. If you're a returner to Karate, you'll be most welcome. Put your 'gi' on and come and join us. If you decide to join the Dojo, providing you have proof (existing licence, certificate etc), you'll be allowed to keep your existing grade pending an assessment by Sensei Oliver. I'll help you get up to scratch with that if needed.

We will now have the flexibility to teach the weapons syllabus any day of the week.
Sensei Simon Oliver was awarded his 7th Dan this year and continues to be our Chief Instructor of the JKR-UK and our Kyu grade examiner. We currently grade with him every 4 months.
We are very grateful for Sensei Olivers' input into our training, especially when he visits our dojo to impart some knowledge. We are very fortunate to have access to an instructor of his ability. He always gives me food for thought and pushes everyone to explore further with regards to their Karate .. and in doing so - further in our personal development.
Sensei Yamazaki 9th Dan continues to grace us with his presence at the JKR-UK Hombu for an annual treat as well as facilitating all of our Dan gradings. 25th September is the next time that he will visit the Hombu. You don't have to be a member of the JKR-UK to train with him and places are filling up fast for this year, so please book early if you wish to train with him. You can find booking information by clicking here.
So put your 'gi' on, get your paperwork completed and start training. I hope to see you at the
Villayat 'Wolf' Sunkmanitu
Instructor & Chairman
Meiyo Karate Club
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